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PostPosted: Mon 16 Jul 2012 11:14 pm 

Joined: Sat 17 Sep 2011 11:52 pm
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Eagarfhocal Gaelscéal Dé Céadaoin 11 Iúil 2012
Gaelscéal Editorial Wednesday 11 July 2012



An 12ú lá d’Iúil

Tá an tOrd Oráisteach ag iarraidh iad féin a athchruthú mar eagraíocht chreidmheach atá ar son cearta creidimh agus cultúir na bProtastúnach a chaomhnú.

Tá sé seo iontach agus cuirfimid fáilte roimhe sin.

Tá siad ag iarraidh a chur in iúl nach bhfuil iontu ach buíon de sheanfhir atá ag iarraidh siúl chun seirbhísí eaglasta s’acu.

Tá a leithéid ann ar ndóigh, ach tá sé seafóideach iarracht a dhéanamh a chur in iúl gurb é sin amháin atá i gceist leis an Ord Oráisteach.

Ní féidir an stair a athscríobh go hiomlán. An chuid is mó dá saol, b’eagraíocht ar son fhorlámhas na bProtastúnach iad agus ní chun cothrom na Féinne a chothú idir Protastúnaigh agus Caitlicigh.

Ach mar sin féin, má tá siad anois ar son chothrom na Féinne, cuirimis fáilte roimhe sin.

Seans, má tá glactha leis an gcoincheap, go dtuigfear go gcaithfear meas a bheith ann do gach cultúr in Éirinn, cultúr na nGael san áireamh.

Amárach, beidh an tOrd ag máirseáil ar fud an Tuaiscirt.

Den chuid is mó, ní chruthóidh sé sin fadhb ar bith, ach i gcorr-áit, beidh siad ina gcnámh spairne idir an dá phobal, faraor.

Tá an ceart ag pobail náisiúnacha agóidíocht a dhéanamh i gcoinne an Oird ar ndóigh, a fhad is go bhfuil sé síochánta.

Is mór an trua nach bhfuil an tOrd Oráisteach sásta labhairt le náisiúnaithe áitiúla chun iarracht a dhéanamh a theacht ar chomhaontas maidir leis na mórshiúlta seo. Déanann sé sin a bheag dá gcaint faoi ‘chothrom na Féinne’ agus cuireann sé seanbhiogóideacht an fhorlámhais i gcuimhne dúinn.

Mar sin féin, tá roinnt grúpaí náisiúnacha ag baint mí-úsáide as na mórshiúlta seo chun pointí polaitiúla a dhéanamh, ag cruthú fadhbanna nuair nach bhfuil mórán ann le bheith tógtha faoi ar chor ar bith.

Níl cúis ar bith leis sin.

Ba chóir, más féidir ar chor ar bith, ligint don Ord a gcuid mórshiúlta a bheith acu gan bac agus neamhaird a dhéanamh díobh más gá.

I ndeireadh na dála, bheadh an cath ar son ‘cothrom na Féinne’ do chultúr na nGael sna Sé Chontae i bhfad níos éasca mura mbeadh Aontachtaithe ábalta a rá go mbíonn baic ar chultúr s’acu féin.

Níl sé éasca a bheith ag amharc ar dhaoine ag ceiliúradh a mbua ort, ar do phobal, ag ceiliúradh cath a chuir deireadh le saoirse creidimh in Éirinn agus a chuir cultúr na tíre faoi chois.

Ach in amanna, caithfidh muid cur suas le rudaí nach dtaitníonn linn.

Sin an éagsúlacht, agus sin an Éire nua, an glas, an oráiste agus, táthar ag súil leis, an bán eatarthu.



An 12ú lá d’Iúil
The 12th of July

Tá an tOrd Oráisteach ag iarraidh iad féin a athchruthú mar eagraíocht chreidmheach atá ar son cearta creidimh agus cultúir na bProtastúnach a chaomhnú.
The Orange Order wishes to re-create themselves as an organisation of faithful which is for the preservation of Protestant religious rights and culture.

An tOrd Oráisteach = the Orange Order
ag iarraidh iad féin a athchruthú
tá xx ag iarraidh iad féin a athchruthú = xx are trying/wishing to re-create themselves
eagraíocht chreidmheach = an organisation of faithful
an creidmheach = the faithful (person)
na creidmhigh = the faithful (people)
..if this is a typo and they mean ‘reputable/respectable’ then:
an eagraíocht chreidiúnach = the reputable/respectable organisation
ar son cearta creidimh ??? = for (on the side of) religious rights
ar son ceart creidimh = for (on the side of) religious rights
ar son cirt chreidimh = for (on the side of) a religious right
ar son cultúir = for (on the side of) a culture
na protastúnaigh = the protestants
cultúr na bprotastúnach = the culture of the protestants
a chaomhnú = to preserve

Tá sé seo iontach agus cuirfimid fáilte roimhe sin.
This is wonderful and we will welcome that.

Tá sé seo iontach = this is wonderful
agus cuirfimid fáilte roimhe sin = and we will welcome that
Cuirfear fáilte romhat = you (singular) will be welcomed
Cuirfear fáilte romhaibh = you (plural) will be welcomed

Tá siad ag iarraidh a chur in iúl nach bhfuil iontu ach buíon de sheanfhir atá ag iarraidh siúl chun seirbhísí eaglasta s’acu.
They want to let it be known that they are only a group of old men who want to walk to their religious services.

Tá siad ag iarraidh xx = They want xx
xx a chur in iúl = to get xx across / to communicate xx / to let xx be known
nach bhfuil iontu ach xx = that they are only xx
buíon de sheanfhir atá ag iarraidh xx = a group/band of old men who want xx
siúl chun seirbhísí eaglasta = walk to religious services
xx s’acu = this xx of theirs
an teach s’againne = this house of ours / our house
an teach s’acu = this house of theirs / their house
an tseirbhís s’againne = this service of ours

Tá a leithéid ann ar ndóigh, ach tá sé seafóideach iarracht a dhéanamh a chur in iúl gurb é sin amháin atá i gceist leis an Ord Oráisteach.
There are such like, of course, but it is nonsensical to attempt to say that this is all that the Orange Order is about.

Tá a leithéid ann = Such like exists / There is such a thing
ar ndóigh = of course
tá sé seafóideach a xx = it is nonsensical to xx
iarracht a dhéanamh = to make an attempt / to try
Déarfainn gurb é sin xx = I would say that that is xx
é sin amháin = only that
mé féin amháin = only me
xx atá i gceist = it is xx that is involved / it is about xx
leis an Ord = with the Order
Déarfainn gurb é yy atá i gceist le xx = I would say it is yy which is involved in xx / I would say that it is yy which is in question regarding xx

Ní féidir an stair a athscríobh go hiomlán. An chuid is mó dá saol, b’eagraíocht ar son fhorlámhas na bProtastúnach iad agus ní chun cothrom na Féinne a chothú idir Protastúnaigh agus Caitlicigh.
History cannot be completely rewritten. For most of their existence, they were an organisation promoting Protestant supremacy and was not to foster fairness between Protestants and Catholics.

Ní féidir xx a athscríobh = One cannot rewrite xx
go hiomlán = completely / totally
An chuid is mó de xx = most of xx
dá saol = of its/their life/existence
b’eagraíocht í a xx = it (feminine noun) was an organisation that xx
ba pheann é a xx = it was a pen that xx
forlámhas na bprotastúnach = protestant supremacy
ar son fhorlámhas na bprotastúnach = for (on the side of / promoting) protestant supremacy
ar son forlámhais = for (on the side of / promoting) supremacy
...check the grammar books on the ‘Tuiseal Ginideach’ for rules regarding ‘h’ etc....
(Is) ar son fhorlámhas na bProtastúnach iad = it is on the side of the supremacy of the Protestants they are
agus ní chun = and not to
cothrom na Féinne = fairness
xx a chothú = to foster/nourish/cherish/feed/maintain xx
... this verb ‘cothaigh’ has many meanings depending on usage...)
idir Protastúnaigh agus Caitlicigh = between Catholics and Protestants
idir Phrotastúnaigh agus Chaitlicigh = both Protestants and Catholics

Ach mar sin féin, má tá siad anois ar son chothrom na Féinne, cuirimis fáilte roimhe sin.
But even so, if they are now supporting fairness, let us welcome that.

Ach mar sin féin = But even so
má tá siad xx = if they are xx
má tá siad ina bhfir mhóra = if they are big men / if they have become big men
más fir mhóra iad = if they are big men
anois = now
ar son cothrom na Féinne = for the sake of fairness / on the side of fairness
(NB: In the article it gave ‘ar son chothrom...’ Since ‘cothrom na féinne’ is a phrase and regarded as one word/phrase, and not ‘cothrom’ qualifying ‘Féinne’, then I would not but a ‘h’ here after ‘ar son’... If interested, check for opinions and usages on this on the discussion thread!)
cuirimis fáilte roimhe sin = let us welcome that

Seans, má tá glactha leis an gcoincheap, go dtuigfear go gcaithfear meas a bheith ann do gach cultúr in Éirinn, cultúr na nGael san áireamh.
Perhaps, if the concept has been accepted, it will be realised that all cultures in Ireland must be respected, the Gaelic culture included.

Seans = There is a chance / Perhaps
má tá glactha le xx = if xx has been accepted / if xx is accepted
leis an gcoincheap = with the concept
go dtuigfear xx = that xx will be understood
tuigfear go gcaithfear xx a bheith ann = it will be understood that xx will have to be there
do gach xx = for every xx
cultúr in Éirinn = culture in Ireland
cultúr na nGael = the Irish culture
san áireamh = included
agus xx san áireamh = including xx

Amárach, beidh an tOrd ag máirseáil ar fud an Tuaiscirt.
Tomorrow, the Order will be marching all over the North.

Amárach = tomorrow
beidh an tOrd ag máirseáil = the Order will be marching
an Tuaisceart = the North (of Ireland)
ar fud an Tuaiscirt = all over the North

Den chuid is mó, ní chruthóidh sé sin fadhb ar bith, ach i gcorr-áit, beidh siad ina gcnámh spairne idir an dá phobal, faraor.
For the most part, this will not pose any problem at all, but in some few places, they will cause friction between the two communities, alas.

Den chuid is mó = for the most part
ní chruthóidh sé sin xx = that will not create xx
fadhb ar bith = any problem / no problem at all
Fadhb ar bith! = No bother at all!
ach i gcorr-áit = but in the odd place
beidh siad ina gcnámh spairne = they will be controversial / they will be a ‘bone of contention’
Tá xx ina chnámh spairne eatarthu = xx is a bone of contention between them
idir an dá phobal = between the two communities
faraor = alas / unfortunately

Tá an ceart ag pobail náisiúnacha agóidíocht a dhéanamh i gcoinne an Oird ar ndóigh, a fhad is go bhfuil sé síochánta.
The nationalist communities have a right to protest against the Order of course, so long as it is peaceful.

Tá an ceart ag xx = xx is right / xx has the right
pobail náisiúnacha = nationalist communities
agóidíocht a dhéanamh = to demonstrate (as in protest) / to protest
i gcoinne an Oird = against the Order
ar son an Oird = for the Order
ar ndóigh = therefore
a fhad is go bhfuil xx síochánta = so long as xx is peaceful

Is mór an trua nach bhfuil an tOrd Oráisteach sásta labhairt le náisiúnaigh áitiúla chun iarracht a dhéanamh a theacht ar chomhaontas maidir leis na mórshiúlta seo. Déanann sé sin a bheag dá gcaint faoi ‘chothrom na Féinne’ agus cuireann sé seanbhiogóideacht an fhorlámhais i gcuimhne dúinn.
It is a pity that the Orange Order is not satisfied to speak with local nationalists to attempt to come to an agreement regarding these parades. This makes little of their talk about ‘fairness’ and it reminds us of the old bigotry of supremacy.

Is mór an trua nach bhfuil xx sásta = It is a great pity that xx is not happy/content/willing to
labhairt le náisiúnaithe áitiúla = to speak with local nationalists
an náisiúnaí = the nationalist
an tAontachtaí / an t-aontachtaí = the Unionist / the unionist
(NB: This is mis-spelled ‘náisiúnaigh’ in the original - a common spelling error)
chun iarracht a dhéanamh = to make an effort
a theacht ar chomhaontas = to come to some agreement/compromise
teacht ar chomhaontas = to come to some agreement/compromise
maidir leis na mórshiúlta seo = with regard to these parades
Déanann sé sin a bheag de xx = that makes little of xx
dá gcaint = of their talk
faoi ‘chothrom na Féinne’ = about fairness
agus cuireann sé xx = and it puts/places xx
seanbhiogóideacht an fhorlámhais = the old bigotry of supremacy
cuireann sé xx i gcuimhne dúinn = it reminds us of xx

Mar sin féin, tá roinnt grúpaí náisiúnacha ag baint mí-úsáide as na mórshiúlta seo chun pointí polaitiúla a dhéanamh, ag cruthú fadhbanna nuair nach bhfuil mórán ann le bheith tógtha faoi ar chor ar bith.
Even so, some nationalists groups are misusing these parades to make political points, causing problems when there is little to be excited about at all.

Mar sin féin = even so
roinnt grúpaí náisiúnacha = a few nationalists groups
ag baint mí-úsáide as xx = abusing xx
na mórshiúlta seo = these parades
an mórshiúl = the parade
chun pointí polaitiúla a dhéanamh = in order to make political points / to make political points
chun xx a dhéanamh = to make xx
tá mé chun xx a dhéanamh = I am going to make xx
ag cruthú fadhbanna = creating problems
an fhadhb = the problem
nuair nach bhfuil mórán ann = when there is not much there
a bheith tógtha faoi xx = to be concerned about xx
ar chor ar bith = at all

Níl cúis ar bith leis sin.
There is no cause for that.

Ba chóir, más féidir ar chor ar bith, ligint don Ord a gcuid mórshiúlta a bheith acu gan bac agus neamhaird a dhéanamh díobh más gá.
The Order, if possible at all, should be allowed have their parades without hindrance and, if necessary, pay no attention to them.

Ba chóir xx a dhéanamh = xx should be done / it would be right that xx be done
Ba chóir duit imeacht = it would be right for you (singular) to go / you should go
más féidir ar chor ar bith = if possible at all
ligint don Ord = let the Order
a mórshiúlta = her/their parades
a gcuid mórshiúlta = their parades
xx a bheith acu = them to have xx
tá siad ag iarraidh xx a bheith acu = they want to have xx
gan bac = without hindrance
agus neamhaird a dhéanamh de xx = to pay no attention to xx
neamhaird a dhéanamh díobh = to pay them no attention
más gá = if necessary

I ndeireadh na dála, bheadh an cath ar son ‘cothrom na Féinne’ do chultúr na nGael sna Sé Chontae i bhfad níos éasca mura mbeadh Aontachtaithe ábalta a rá go mbíonn baic ar chultúr s’acu féin.
In the end, the battle for fairness for the Gaelic culture in the Six Counties would be a lot easier if the Unionists were not able to say that a culture of theirs is hindered.

I ndeireadh na dála = in the end / at the end of it all
bheadh an cath = the battle would be
ar son ‘cothrom na Féinne’ = for the sake of fairness
do chultúr na nGael = for the Gaelic culture
sna Sé Chontae = in the Six Counties (Northern Ireland)
Na Sé Chontae = The Six Counties (Northern Ireland)
i bhfad níos éasca = a lot easier
mura mbeadh Aontachtaithe ábalta = if Unionists were not able
a rá = to say
go mbíonn baic ar xx = that xx does have a hindrance on it / that xx is hindered
cultúr s’acu féin = this their own culture
an cultúr s’againne = this our culture / our culture

Níl sé éasca a bheith ag amharc ar dhaoine ag ceiliúradh a mbua ort, ar do phobal, ag ceiliúradh cath a chuir deireadh le saoirse creidimh in Éirinn agus a chuir cultúr na tíre faoi chois.
It is not easy to be looking at people celebrating their victory over you, over your community, celebrating a battle that ended religious freedom in Ireland and that suppressed the culture of the country.

Níl sé éasca a bheith ag amharc ar dhaoine = it is not easy to be looking at people
ag ceiliúradh a mbua ort = celebrating their victory over you
tá xx ag ceiliúradh a bhua ort = xx is celebrating his victory over you
xx ag ceiliúradh a mbua ar yy = xx celebrating their victory over yy
ag ceiliúradh a mbua ar do phobal = celebrating their victory over your community/people
ag ceiliúradh cath = celebrating a battle
a chuir deireadh le saoirse creidimh = which ended religious freedom
(I say ‘saoirse chreidimh’ - check this on the discussion thread.)
in Éirinn = in Ireland
agus a chuir cultúr na tíre faoi chois = and suppressed the culture of the country
xx a chur faoi chois = to suppress xx
xx a chuir faoi chois é = it was xx who/that suppressed it

Ach in amanna, caithfidh muid cur suas le rudaí nach dtaitníonn linn.
But in time, we will have to put up with things that we do not like.

Ach in amanna = but there are times (‘in amanna’ is strange to me, but I believe this is what it supposed to mean...) I would say: ‘Ach scaití...’ = But now and again / sometimes...
caithfidh muid cur suas le xx = we will have to put up with xx
rudaí nach dtaitníonn linn = things we do not like

Sin an éagsúlacht, agus sin an Éire nua, an glas, an oráiste agus, táthar ag súil leis, an bán eatarthu.
That is variety, and that is the new Ireland, the green, the orange, and it is hoped, the white between them.

Sin an éagsúlacht = that is variety / difference
agus sin an Éire nua = and that is the new Ireland
an xx glas = the green (such as of grass) xx
the green ribbon = an ribín uaithne
the green ribbon = an ribín glasuaithne
an xx oráiste = the orange xx
agus = and
táthar ag súil leis = this is hoped for
táthar ag súil le xx = xx is hoped for
an bán eatarthu = the white between them.

Bí cinnte de go nglacfaidh triúr le gach aistriúchán a thabharfar.
Be sure to get three in agreement with a translation given.

Last edited by Braoin on Sat 21 Jul 2012 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Tue 17 Jul 2012 1:44 am 
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Joined: Sun 28 Aug 2011 8:29 pm
Posts: 2986
GRMA a Bhraoin. Sár-obair mar is hundúil uait. :clap:


It is recommended that you always wait for three to agree on a translation.
I speak Connemara Irish, and my input will often reflect that.
I will do an mp3 file on request for short translations.


PostPosted: Wed 18 Jul 2012 10:04 pm 
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Joined: Sun 04 Sep 2011 11:02 pm
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There are many myths about the Battle of the Boyne, which is essentially what the Unionists are celebrating (some of the marches celebrate other specific events, like the Derry apprentice boys shutting the gates of Derry in opposition to the forces of James II).

While the victorious side was largely Protestant, supporting William of Orange and his wife Mary (daughter of James II), it was not a battle of the religions, or even really about Ireland itself. The fight was over the English throne (and ultimately about whether the English monarch could be a Catholic). There were Catholics on William's side and Protestants on James's side, and when James's side lost, the Pope actually had the Vatican specially illuminated to celebrate William's victory, because of the political situation in Europe at the time! So, the marching Unionists are the ones on the Pope's side!

Also, none of these events really destroyed the old Gaelic order. The destruction had already started after the Battle of Kinsale and the "Flight of the Earls" nearly a century before, and was largely completed by Cromwell long before the Battle of the Boyne.

I'm not a native (or entirely fluent) speaker, so be sure to wait for confirmations/corrections, especially for tattoos.

PostPosted: Thu 19 Jul 2012 12:08 am 
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Joined: Sun 28 Aug 2011 8:29 pm
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Very interesting Caoimhín.



It is recommended that you always wait for three to agree on a translation.
I speak Connemara Irish, and my input will often reflect that.
I will do an mp3 file on request for short translations.


PostPosted: Fri 27 Jul 2012 10:50 pm 
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Bríd Mhór wrote:
GRMA a Bhraoin. Sár-obair mar is hundúil uait. :clap:
:yes: :clap:

Is foghlaimeoir mé. I am a learner. DEFINITELY wait for others to confirm and/or improve.
Beatha teanga í a labhairt.

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