There is a Gaelic forum with lots of resources, and some of the participants are native speakers or more or less fluent: have heard some beginning learners say they do not always feel welcome there, but I'm (way) far from fluent and have usually found the participants to be friendly and helpful.
The Gaellc college on the Isle of Skye. Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, has in-person classes and courses and links to online resources and distance learning resources: their site is a page with links to lots of online info: is also an American Gaelic society, An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaganach, which has info re courses and resources in the US: are also several online sites for learning Gaelic, such as this one, Learn Gaelic: should get you started for now. I'm a moderator here, so I'm also going to copy this thread to the Gaelic part of this forum, which you may not have noticed. There are a number of threads there which might be of interest to you.