- All the different cases of nouns?
Only four in Munster Irish, but the vocative easy - for the 1st declension, memorize the inflection of 'fear'. (Also, it's not like you're going to go out and shout at fish 'a iasca, a chairde ionúine!'). The dative is trivial.
- the random rules for initial mutations,
There are quite a few rules, but if you take just one dialect into consideration, you just need to memorize a small table and that's it.
Unless you're trying to learn all the dialects at once…
- needing to know the feminine and masculine form of everything,
like in most European languages - 2 at least, that is, because German, Dutch (Standard Dutch) and all Slavic languages have 3. See, Irish is easy!
- the differing dialects,
I'm learning Munster Irish and I've noticed that the better I get at it, the better I get at the other dialects too. I think that's because I acquire a command of the language as a system. Say, Ulster Irish an+prep. causes lenition (except d,t). Since I know the Munster (Cork) variation, and this rule, I know how Ulster Irish works (in this regard).
- all the different plurals,
now, that is difficult. Fortunately even native speakers like, perhaps positively enjoy, using a variety of them. E.g. crann, m. tree. Plural: crainn/cranna/crainnte/crannaíocha.
- the subtleties of pronunciation
if you can distinguish broad and slender consonants long and short vowels, you're golden.
- and probably more that I'm forgetting...
conjugated (inflected) prepositions

Oh, and the numbers too. And did I mention interrogatives?
- This language is so hard to learn!! Goodness gracious!!! /rant
Not as hard as Chinese for a native English speaker (taking only the language as such into consideration. The availability of resources, media etc. is an entirely different issue.)
This was supposed to be encouraging… Was it?
What definitely helps is listening to audio 100s of times until it sticks - which you do, so keep at it! I cut the audio from Teach Yourself Irish (1961) to remove the English and pauses. Perhaps you will find it useful:
https://archive.org/details/TeachYourse ... RecordingsAlso, say it out loud, repeat simultaneously (= shadowing) or after the recording. Also, flashcards.